Local & Provincial Government Increase Lines of Communication Re: COVID-19

Weekly & daily coordination calls with local governments

 The province has opened two new lines of communication with local governments to strengthen COVID-19 coordination.

EMBC has begun coordinating regional calls on a daily basis with local government emergency managers to discuss operational issues. Minister Selina Robinson has also begun a series of weekly calls with Mayors, Chairs and UBCM Executive to discuss policy issues. The first policy call, held yesterday, included input from Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix.

“BC communities are facing an unprecedented challenge,” said Mayor Maja Tait, UBCM president. “Yesterday’s meeting focussed attention on the orders of the provincial health officer and identified policy adjustments that will strengthen service delivery in the weeks ahead. The coordination and support that is being provided by the province is deeply welcomed. Local governments will do our part to support the implementation of the provincial response to COVID 19 as that continues to evolve.”


Update: City action related to COVID-19

CUPE 387 Executive have been in daily contact and conversation with the City of New Westminster, advocating for our members health, safety and pay provisions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, our CUPE National representative has been providing direction and support on a regular basis.

The City has instituted significant travel restrictions, mandated self-isolation and imposed facility closures to preserve the well-being of staff, specifically:

1. Employee travel outside of Canada – Effective March 12th, the Chief Medical Health Officer has strongly advised that all non-essential travel outside of Canada be suspended, including to the United States. The Canadian government has issued travel advisories for specific countries in relation to COVID-10. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is also recommending that Canadians avoid all cruise ship travel due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. Employees are advised to consult the public health authority sites and gc.ca.

Following the March 12th travel advisory, the City is providing employees travelling outside of Canada with a one week “notice period”. All work-related travel outside of Canada is cancelled until further notice.

Furthermore, staff who decide to travel to any destination outside of Canada for personal reasons are requested to notify their manager, prior to travelling.

Regular and Temporary Full-time and Part-time Employees
If you travel outside of Canada before March 19, when you return to Canada, you will be required to self-isolate for 14 calendar days even if you show no flu-like symptoms. You will be eligible for regular pay for the duration of the 14 calendar day self-isolation period. We will also make reasonable efforts to provide work-from-home arrangements, if possible, during the self-isolation period. Should you develop symptoms during the self-isolation period, you will receive sick leave benefits as per your relevant collective agreement from the point during the isolation period when you become ill.
If you do choose to travel outside of Canada on or after March 19th, when you return to Canada, you will be required to self-isolate for 14 calendar days even if you show no flu-like symptoms. You will be required to use vacation, other leave banks, unpaid leave, or apply for Employment Insurance Benefits during the self-isolation period. We will also make reasonable efforts to provide work-from-home arrangements, if possible, during the self-isolation period. Should you develop symptoms during the self-isolation period, you will receive sick leave benefits as per your relevant collective agreement from the point during the isolation period when you become ill.

Auxiliary Staff
If you travel outside of Canada before March 19, when you return to Canada, you will be required to self-isolate for 14 calendar days even if you show no flu-like symptoms. You will be eligible for regular pay for any shifts already scheduled during the 14 calendar day self-isolation period. Should you develop symptoms during the self-isolation period, you will continue to receive regular pay for any shifts already scheduled during the 14 calendar day self-isolation period.
If you do choose to travel outside of Canada on or after March 19th, when you return to Canada, you will be required to self-isolate for 14 calendar days even if you show no flu-like symptoms. You will not be eligible for any paid time. Should you develop symptoms during the self-isolation period, you will not receive any paid time, although you may submit an application to Service Canada for medical Employment Insurance benefits.

Family Member Returning from Outside of Canada
Effective March 12th, if you are receiving a family member from outside of Canada and they will be self-isolating in your home/living space, you will also be required to self-isolate for 14 calendar days. We will make reasonable efforts to provide work-from-home arrangements, if possible, during the self-isolation period. However, if work-from-home is not possible and your family member has returned from outside of Canada, you will be required to use vacation, other leave banks, unpaid leave, or apply for Employment Insurance BenefitsFlu–Like

2. Symptoms – If you or another person you live with is exhibiting flu-like symptoms, call 811 for pre-screening of potential COVID-19 exposure. If the pre-screening suggests possible COVID-19 exposure, the person(s) exhibiting flu like symptoms will be directed to be tested for COVID-19. During the waiting period for test results, all members of the household (including those that show no signs of the flu) are required to remain isolated at home. During this isolation period, employees will be able to use sick leave or apply for medical Employment Insurance Benefits.

3. Work from Home – For positions where work can be performed from home, staff are encouraged to meet with their manager to determine if some or all of their work can be done remotely. Employees who are able to work from home are expected to work the equivalent productive hours as they would at work and their manager is expected to monitor productivity and output of their remote workers. The IT Department can assist with establishing access to City networks from home. Employees who do not have a home computer or whose position does not allow remote work (customer facing, on the tools, etc.) will be limited from being able to work from home.

4. Face-to-Face Meetings – The necessity for face-to-face meetings needs to be assessed on a case by case basis. Where meeting objectives can be completed remotely or by email, this is the preferred option.

5. City Gatherings – The City is suspending any gatherings and events over 250 people in attendance as per the Provincial Health Officer. Upcoming large City gatherings and events will be assessed as more information becomes available. At this time, the City is keeping facilities open during regular business hours. However, attendance in programs and activities will be limited to ensure social distancing can be maintained.

6. Wages and Work – The City will abide by all Collective Agreement provisions with respect to payment of wages, layoff, and access to benefits. The City is currently developing a policy that will provide more specific information in the context of the current situation with respect to these matters. This policy will be communicated to all employees next week.

Many questions have come forward regarding the duration of closures and what next steps are being taken. As we become armed with concrete information, we will share any and all pertinent details. We ask for your patience if you are bringing any inquiries forward, as our Executives will be seeking verification before responding.

As we navigate the uncertainty that comes with this unprecedented situation, we remind our members:

  • You should Regularly check your City of New Westminster email accounts for updates
  • The City will abide by all Collective Agreement provisions with respect to payment of wages, layoff, and access to benefits
  • Please be mindful of safety measures put in place to ensure your health and the health of those most vulnerable

Additional resources that may be of value during this crisis can be found at the links below:

Covid-19 self assessment tool https://covid19.thrive.health/
BC Public Health Alerts https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/public-health-alerts
Medical Employment Insurance https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/notices/coronavirus.html

It is important for our members to know that we are there for them as events unfold in the coming weeks and are committed to both ongoing communication and navigating the challenges together. We continue to be available to you to connect by phone at
604-520-5644 and email at cupe387@telus.net or cupeoffice@telus.net.

We are in this together, stay safe and stay strong

Bargaining Update

Bargaining Status Update:

CUPE 387 Collective Agreement expired on Dec 31, 2019.The CUPE 387 Executive started preparing for bargaining in August 2019. Bargaining Committee members have been selected, member input has been sought and that information is currently being used to develop the Collective Agreement proposals for presentation to the employer.

Bargaining Committee Members:

  • George Habib – Business Agent
  • Hardeep Maghera – President
  • Nancy Jickels – Vice President
  • Tabitha Guichon – Secretary Treasurer
  • Kathy McLeod – Recording Secretary
  • Michelle Edwardsen – Executive Director
  • Ryan Bryce – Executive Director
  • Jordan Pink – Executive Director
  • Mike Taddei – Executive Director
  • Frank Neubauer – Executive Director
  • Jordana Feist – CUPE National Representative

Bargaining Committee Activities:

August 13 2019 – CUPE 387 Bargaining Committee Workshop to take participants through the various stages of the negotiation process to prepare committee members who have not been involved in bargaining sessions previously and a refresher for those who have.

August 29 2019 – CUPE 387 Collective Bargaining Survey posted until September 13 2019 to solicit member input in order to inform bargaining priorities

September 15/16 – CUPE National Bargaining Workshop to check in with locals, gather updates, and discuss ongoing bargaining strategies.

November 5 2019 – CUPE 387 Bargaining Committee Survey Results Analysis – review data to pinpoint issues, concerns priorities as identified by members.

November 26 2019 – Bargaining survey results presented to members at General Meeting to ensure members are informed and allow an opportunity for questions and feedback

January 7 2020 – CUPE 387 Bargaining Committee Meeting – Further research, consultation, and proposal development

January 14 2020 – CUPE 387 Bargaining Committee Meeting – Prepare draft priorities and bargaining proposals

January 21 2020 – CUPE 387 Bargaining Committee Meeting – Finalize bargaining priorities and proposals for presentation to members

January 28 2020 – CUPE 387 Bargaining Committee bargaining presentation to members at General Meeting

Bargaining Next Steps:

  • CUPE 387 will be filing an intent to bargain with the employer
  • CUPE 387 Bargaining Committee and the City of New Westminster will meet to arrange bargaining dates
  • Bargaining between the parties will begin and, ideally, advance during the scheduled meetings

Thank you for your interest in the bargaining process. If you have further questions regarding bargaining feel free to contact the CUPE 387 office.