What is a strike vote?

A strike vote must be held before a strike is legal. The vote is done by secret ballot and all employees in the bargaining unit can participate in the vote. A successful strike vote authorizes the union’s bargaining committee to call a strike if no agreement is reached.

Does a ‘yes’ vote mean that we’re going on strike?

A strong strike mandate vote does not necessarily mean we will strike, but it does indicate to the Employer that we are ready to do so if necessary. A strike vote authorizes the bargaining committee to call for strike action which can include things like an overtime ban, rotating strikes or a full out strike.

What happens after a successful strike mandate vote?

If we achieve a successful strike vote it will send a strong message to the employer that employees are not satisfied with how contract negotiations are going and that they should reconsider their bargaining position. We will take this strong mandate to future bargaining dates, and we hope that will encourage our employer to revise their approach to negotiations and to engage in meaningful discussions about our key issues.

If the employer still doesn’t change their bargaining position, then the bargaining committee and our local leadership will consider what type of action to take next.

What does “being on strike” actually mean?

“Being on strike” means bargaining unit members withdraw their labour power. This means that no employment-related duties are completed.

Do I get paid if I’m on strike?

Yes. Strike pay starts the first day of a strike. The employer must pay employees their earnings up to the date the strike commences on their next normal pay day in accordance with Employment Standards.

There are two sources of strike pay. CUPE National and CUPE BC. A member who is entitled to strike benefits shall receive strike pay from:

  • CUPE NATIONAL beginning on the 1st day of the strike. For each calendar week, maximum strike pay is $300 for a minimum of 20 hours of picketing or completing other assigned duties.
  • Normal strike schedule is 5 days a week, 4 hours per day.
  • Starting with the 8th week of the strike, strike pay is increased to $350 per week.
  • Starting with the 12th week of the strike, strike pay is increased to $375 per week.
  • Starting with the 16th week of the strike, strike pay is increased to $400 per week.
  • CUPE BC strike pay starts on the 3rd calendar day of the strike. Amount- $15 per day up to a maximum of $75.00 per week.
  • In total you will receive $75.00 per day (to a maximum of 5 days per week) when you fulfill the requirements of strike duty.
  • All members whether full-time or part-time, temporary, casual or the Bargaining Committee receive the same rate of strike pay.

What do I have to do to get strike pay?

You must perform picket duties. Which means, you must walk a picket line for 4 hours/day for 5 days a week. If you are not physically able to walk a picket line, there are other duties that can be done.

You would need to contact the Strike Coordinator to let them know you require an accommodation. The accommodation must be verified that it is for medical reasons.

Where will the picket lines be?

In a strike, there will be a limited number of picket locations with a focus on larger sites with a lot of public visibility. The Union will provide picket location information to all members if there is a strike. Most members will not be picketing at their own job site.

What about my benefits?

The CUPE National Strike Fund pays for group life and group extended health premiums for the members entitled to strike pay for the whole period of the strike so those benefits will continue.

Pension – Pension plan deductions will not be paid by CUPE. Contributions are suspended during a strike and no pensionable service is accumulated.

What if I am on Maternity Leave?

You will continue to receive your benefits from EI. If you prefer, you may cancel your EI benefits, sign up for picket duty and collect strike pay. You cannot collect both EI and strike pay.

What if I am on another kind of leave (WCB, EI, sick leave, vacation)?

If a member is on a leave when the strike commences (e.g., sick leave, vacation leave, WorkSafe, or other approved leave), the leave continues for its duration.

What if I have to work an essential services shift?

Essential services shifts will be shared amongst members qualified to work in that area. If you do work a shift, you will get paid normally from the Employer.

Am I eligible for Employment Insurance while on strike?


CUPE 387 – Member Bulletin August 16

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Bargaining Update Meetings August 24

The bargaining committee is hosting three important bargaining update meetings on Thursday, August 24. Please do your best to attend one of the sessions, as we want all members to have a better understanding of where we are at in the bargaining process.

We will start the meeting by giving a detailed update to all members on this round of bargaining and there will also be time to hear your concerns and answer any questions you have. We’ll also discuss ways members can support the bargaining committee moving into the fall, and what our negotiating strategy looks like moving forward.

Join us in-person at 4:15 or 5:15, or virtually on Zoom at 6:30.

The two in-person meetings will be held at:

Centennial Lodge in Queens Park

3rd Avenue New Westminster

For the virtual meeting advanced registration is required. Registration will be open until 4 pm on Tuesday August 22. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

It has been almost a full year since we started bargaining and we know that negotiations are taking longer than you may have expected. This has been a difficult round of negotiations but know that we are doing our best to conclude negotiations in a timely manner.

STAY UP TO DATE ON BARGAINING The best way to make sure you receive all future bargaining updates is to regularly monitor the CUPE 387 website and also ensure CUPE 387 has your contact information by emailing your personal (non-work) email address to

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by email at

CUPE 387 Bargaining Update July 31, 2023

CUPE 387 Bargaining Update – July 31

This has been a challenging round of negotiations and we understand that can be frustrating for members. Unfortunately, the employers have not been willing to engage in meaningful discussions around our key bargaining issues and that has led to little progress being made at the bargaining table.

In the upcoming weeks we will be scheduling two special membership meetings, one in-person and one online over Zoom, to give a detailed update to all members on this round of bargaining and to hear your concerns and answer any questions you have.

We’ll also discuss ways members can support the bargaining committee moving into the fall, and what our negotiating strategy looks like moving forward.

CUPE 387 members deserve a fair collective agreement that recognizes the value of their work. Your bargaining committee is committed to reaching a tentative agreement that addresses your key bargaining priorities and reflects the current economic climate.

We will be sending an email in the coming days with the exact dates of the special meetings so please keep an eye out for that.

The best way to make sure you receive all future bargaining updates is to regularly monitor the CUPE 387 website and also ensure CUPE 387 has your contact information by emailing your personal (non-work) email address to

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by email at

In solidarity,
Your CUPE 387 Bargaining Committee


CUPE 387 Bargaining Update July 05, 2023

CUPE 387 – Bargaining Update July 5

Your bargaining committee met for another day of bargaining with the Employers (City of New Westminster, Library and Police Board) on June 27.

The Employers brought some of the information we requested months ago that is vital to having meaningful discussions in bargaining. While some information was finally provided, the Employers refused to address our concerns regarding auxiliary employees or any of the other issues CUPE 387 members identified as important for a settlement.

The Employers have time and time again been unwilling to take our priorities seriously. Even though the Employers acknowledge problems with the way things are being done, they are ignoring viable solutions.

Without real progress, your bargaining committee must start exploring more options to get movement from the Employers on our priorities.

Your bargaining committee and the CUPE 387 Executive will be meeting next week for a strategic planning session. At this session, we will discuss what needs to be done in order for the Employers to reach a fair settlement and what actions are needed from the membership to support your bargaining committee. Working together, we can get a fair collective agreement that allows us to keep up with the high cost of living in our community.

We will have an update next week with information on meeting locations, dates, and times.

The best way to make sure you receive all future bargaining updates is to regularly monitor the CUPE 387 website and also ensure CUPE 387 has your contact information by emailing your personal (non-work) email address to

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by email at

In solidarity,
Your CUPE 387 Bargaining Committee


CUPE 387 Bargaining Update June 19, 2023

CUPE 387 Bargaining Update
June 19, 2023

Your bargaining committee met with the employers (City, Library and Police Board) for two days of negotiations on the 6th and 9th of June and made limited progress towards a new collective agreement.

At our last meeting, the employers committed to giving the union specific information related to auxiliary employees by June 27. This information is critical in helping us address one of your key bargaining priorities.

Previously, the employers have committed to sharing this information and have not fully followed through, however, we are hopeful that they will provide this information by June 27 and that we will be able to make continued progress at the bargaining table.

We meet again for one day of bargaining on June 27. We want to reiterate that we remain committed to negotiating a collective agreement that reflects the current economic climate, and the lasting impact inflation has had on the cost of living.

The best way to make sure you receive all future bargaining updates is to regularly monitor the CUPE 387 website and also ensure CUPE 387 has your contact information by emailing your personal (non-work) email address to

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by email at

In solidarity,
Your CUPE 387 Bargaining Committee

CUPE 387 Bargaining Update May 25, 2023

Your bargaining committee met with the employers for a full day of negotiations on Wednesday, May 17. Unfortunately, while we continue to meet, essentially no further progress towards a new collective agreement has been made.

Throughout bargaining the employers have introduced concessionary proposals which they refuse to back down from – we simply cannot entertain any concessions.

What does this mean? A concession, as defined by CUPE, is:

A concession occurs when a local union accepts an employer’s demand for a lesser wage. A concession also occurs when a local union accepts an employer’s demand for a lesser contract provision than previously agreed, without at least receiving a like benefit, or provision of higher value or importance in return.

A two-tier contract provision offers a lesser condition of employment for certain employees than for others performing the same work, based solely on their date of hire. Two-tier provisions are always considered a concession, regardless of what may be negotiated in return.

What’s next?

We have additional bargaining dates scheduled for June 6 and 9. We want to reiterate that we remain committed to negotiating a collective agreement that reflects the current economic climate, and the lasting impact inflation has had on the cost of living. If these meetings are unproductive, we may need to schedule meetings with you in the fall to discuss and plan the steps necessary to reach a new collective agreement.

CUPE 387 members develop and maintain our community’s infrastructure, ensure clean and well-maintained public and green spaces and help to ensure public safety. Workers play a vital role in keeping our community running for residents, businesses and visitors.

CUPE 387 members deserve a fair collective agreement that recognizes the value of their work.

Make sure you continue to receive bargaining updates 

The best way to make sure you receive all future bargaining updates is to regularly monitor the CUPE 387 website and also ensure CUPE 387 has your contact information by emailing your personal (non-work) email address to

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by email at

CUPE 387 Bargaining Update May 16, 2023

Your bargaining committee met with the employers for one full day of negotiations on May 5th and we are disappointed to report that little progress was made. Instead, the employers tabled concessionary proposals.

We cannot accept concessionary proposals that would negatively impact CUPE 387 members. We have clearly communicated this to the employers and will continue to reject concessionary proposals.

We are disappointed that this round of negotiations has been so tumultuous but remain committed to settling on a collective agreement that reflects the current economic climate, and the lasting impact inflation has had on the cost of living. Other municipalities in this region have bargained fair collective agreements with CUPE locals, that recognize the value of the work CUPE members do in their communities. CUPE 387 members deserve the same.

We resume negotiations with the employers on May 17, and we will have another update for you after our meeting.

The best way to make sure you receive all future bargaining updates is to regularly monitor the CUPE 387 website and also ensure CUPE 387 has your contact information by emailing your personal (non-work) email address to

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by email at

CUPE 387 Bargaining Bulletin – May 3, 2023

CUPE 387 – Bargaining Bulletin

May 3, 2023

Dear members,

Your bargaining committee met last week for a day of negotiations.  We made some progress on a small number of non-monetary and housekeeping proposals.

We are encouraged that this progress was made and that we have secured additional dates.  There are many significant issues still to be negotiated such as wage and benefit improvements, while also meaningfully addressing the recruitment and retention issue the employers face.  We anticipate these issues will be discussed at upcoming bargaining sessions this month and into June.

We remain committed to reaching a deal that is both in line with other regional settlements and reflects the current economic climate and the last impact inflation has had on the cost of living.

We will be reaching out again following each of the bargaining dates with further updates.

The best way to ensure you receive all further bargaining updates is to regularly monitor the CUPE 387 website and ensure CUPE 387 has your up-to-date email contact information by emailing your personal (non-work) email address to

In solidarity,
Your CUPE 387 Bargaining Committee