Short Term Sick Leave Plan AGM

Don’t miss the Annual General Meeting of the CUPE 387 Short Term Sick Leave Plan. The meeting will include nominations and elections of trustees for the coming year, approval of the audit, discussion of rebates and voting on bylaw changes. Check the STSP AGM Notice for the proposed changes.


Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 5:15 pm


New Westminster City Hall, Boardroom B

Categories AGM

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting is a chance to have your say in who will represent you for the coming year. Don’t miss this year’s meeting. Elections for Executive Directors and Trustees will be held. More information.

As with all general meetings, a donation to the food bank is appreciated.

Tuesday, March 27 at 5:00 pm

Centennial Community Centre
65 E Sixth Ave
New Westminster, BC V3L 4G6

Categories AGM

City’s Commitment to Workplace Wellness

As part of the its continued commitment to workplace wellness, the City recently announced an expansion of the psychological services. The extended health benefits coverage has expanded to include registered clinical counsellors and registered social workers effective March 1, 2018.  This will allow staff greater flexibility to seek support with the type of health care practitioner that best suits their needs.  To confirm the maximum coverage amount for your plan, check the benefit booklet available on the HUB or online at  – CARESnet login.

In addition, in support of its continued commitment to workplace wellness, the City is also in the process of coordinating mental health awareness training for staff. This program called “The Working Mind” will commence in late Spring 2018 and is designed to address and promote mental wellness in the workplace.  Please stay tuned for further details.

(Note:  NWPOA members who already have this expanded coverage and Police Department staff who have already attended Road to Mental Health Readiness/Working Mind Training can disregard the announcement).


Mental Health in the Workplace

Over the years, the Union has successfully worked with the City of New Westminster to address many issues regarding physical health in the workplace including office ergonomics and low stress seats for truck drivers.

Two years ago, Business Manager George Habib took the initiative to approach the employer about mental health in the workplace. He felt it is best to be proactive and not wait until someone is dealing with a long term disability.

Over the past two years the Union and the employer have worked closely together to reach a solution. As a result the City should soon select a mental health care provider to work with the staff. Several providers have presented workshops on their services and the City and Union are evaluating them before making a decision.

UPDATE: A service provider has been chosen and as soon as the contract has been signed, training of staff will begin. Training will begin with managers and supervisors and will include all staff. Watch for more information.