
Elections for CUPE 387 are held every year at the Annual General Meeting which takes place the 4th Tuesday in March. Members are elected to their position for a 2 or 3 year term. To maintain consistency on the executive from year to year, not every position is elected every year.

Elected positions are open to all members of the Union. Anyone who is interested in serving in an executive position can contact the Business Agent, Nancy Jickels, to have their name put on the ballot. Nominations are also accepted from the floor at the annual general meeting.


Table Officers (5 positions)

  • Business Agent, President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer, Recording Secretary
    (note: The Business Agent is a full time paid position, elected from among the membership.)
  • 3 year term

Executive Directors (5 positions)

  • 2 year term

Trustees (3 positions)

  • 2 positions are for 2 years; one position is for 3 years